Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tawfik, The Son of Ismail

If Ish is the son of Abdul, then Tawfik is the son of Ismail. Yesterday's rehearsal was a precious one as I (we) finally get to meet Tawfik and his hot but barely legal son. Both were charming I must say- and friendly. Definitely a good breed of future generations produced by Ismail- if he is still alive he would be VERY proud.

It was great to have Tawfik answering our questions related to his late father, the man whom we have been singing and dancing about. I especially love his story on what his father said to him when he(Ismail) visited him in Australia.
If I'm not mistaken it was something like this- " I delivered many babies when I was here last time, and most of them were girls. I wonder where they are now?"

So I guess Ismail's desire for beautiful women was, hmm.. true?

Thanks for spending time with us Tawfik, I know you'll be reading this. It was awesome to know that you've been following our blog.

Showtime is coming real soon. Keep up the good work fellas!


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