Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Recipe for Chicken 69

After much persuasion from the cooks in Ismail, I've decided to let the entire world know the recipe to the famous "Chicken 69".

I've to dig deep into my memory for this one! So better take it and make it good!


A bit of sugar, spices, mint, curry leaves, corriander, tumerick and lots of chilli powder and paste. Just mix all of them together and add abit of water to make it gravy-like. After that, put the entire paste on two whole chicken. (Use your hands when you marinate it, better if you havent wash your hands yet).

As for the chicken, place both the chicken in the 69 position for 69 days. Keep it in the fridge. You have to take it out once a week to have a husband and a wife quarelling out in front of the chicken for 69 seconds (Indian couple is the best!)

After 69 days, take it out and cook it in shallow oil for 69 minutes.

Soon after that, please eat it because it'll expire in 69 minutes.

There you go.. chicken 69. If you want more recipes, stay tuned.

1 comment:

Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

woi.. uncle tony.. tak de relation laaa