Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ismail Starts Singing

Right so now with Mervin back from his travels, we are now left to the hands of the musical director. Who very clearly stated down his rules.

  1. He won't encourage us, cause that is just plain well ridiculous. He believes that you as a performer will know when you've done it right. So he won't give us false pretense of "Oh you guys are doing well"
  2. No directing of oneself, be it tapping the foot, movie your hands up and down the air, and even bobbing your head to the tempo.
  3. One is not allowed to sit down as long as the musical director is standing. (Phew and that can be a very long time - aiiiee bad for the back)
  4. If one person sings out of key or screws up, the whole group will get a shelling.
  5. Oh yeah mistakes on the first day is ok... Mistakes on the second day... NO NO NO!
  6. Don't change anything that he has not changed in the pieces.
Hmm did i miss anything out?

So those are the rules, and we first studied the overture and the song for the 'rakyat'. Of course like any musical we are separated into three parts :Soprano, Alto (Both sung by women) and Bass (Men).

The men singing were so cute! You'd never have thought they could be so well behaved and look actually worried that they weren't going to do well. Sweet!!! lol. The song actually sounded pretty good when all the sops, alts and basses, were in unison. Harmony people.... Harmony!!

Besides it's the first time singing to this script. Overall I think we gave it a good go.

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