Sunday was the day, we finally sang together with the orchestra that is beautifully conducted by Meryn and my gosh... we were in total awe. I mean, to hear the music being sung is one thing but to actually hear the live version with full on orchestra with the drums, oboe, flute, cello and violins.. oh did i mention there is a bass guitar and electric guitar as well.
we were.. just going wow most of the time..
Singing with them... was quite an experience - and hey let those of us who have not experienced it before - be in awe lah!

My my who is that I spy with my little eye... Can you see the weirdo there who is playing the violin... yes I mean the one wearing specs... male and ok ok.. I'll be nice :S

That's our 'beloved' writer U-En.
Multi talented, eh? :)
I don't think I've seen Joe smile this much... You can't see it but he is smiling. In fact we were all smiling. :)
See :)

That's our 'beloved' writer U-En.
Multi talented, eh? :)
I don't think I've seen Joe smile this much... You can't see it but he is smiling. In fact we were all smiling. :)
See :)

Of course in between there was a bit of waiting around.. but we all had our own means of keeping busy..some of us decided to play gangster..

some of us sat around.... She only looks it but she was actually playing a fool :P yes I mean you Tisha :P

some decided to strangle somebody's cello casing... I really think it belongs to the guy playing in front of us.. sorry mate... but it was just ..there!!

and some.. well decided to go APE!!

Wheee.... it hurts on the shoulder though.. Lex... show off hehehe
We were fed a very hearty and healthy meal. Thanks Joe and Faridah :)
We also got to makan together ... hehe ohh gosh now I'm hungry.

Black pepper chicken, salad, french loaf and bananas.. nice!

I was actually quite lazy to take pictures.. but this "Ah Mui" above holding her plate...asked me to and so I did..
And that was the day we stayed back from 3pm all the way to 11pm at night.. phewwww. Long day but rewarding.
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